Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Intelligent consumer

Gone are the days when advertisement professionals would assume the average consumer to be gullible and susceptible to the adlusions..advertisement illusions they were reeling out to trap his attention. Consumer is smart now and any attempt to over-present any idea or proposition to him passes off more as an attempt to misguide him. With flow and processing of information getting organized , available and accessible at multiple touch points  , the consumer can now critically assess various aspects of an idea  or product pitched to him before taking any conclusive decision. He is now in possession of better discriminatory tools and has the ability to differentiate the grain from the chaff very quickly, thanks to the buzz generated by new and emerging media as well as critical inputs obtained from other sources. To predispose the mind of this intelligent consumer towards a particular brand now is more arduous a task than as it was ever before. This necessitates a fresh approach..a fresh thinking  with focus on creating a more enduring relationship with the customer. This has to be a consistent and sustainable process. Digital media and its famous offspring the social media offers a robust platform for advertisers to engage with the public and it is not a secret. But what will be the consumers response and more importantly what will be the pattern of his response..that needs to be figured out. By pattern of response I mean whether a consumer remains as receptive and enthusiastic  to a particular advertisers communication with the same degree of interest across a series of messages as he was to the first few communications? Will the advertiser be bale to sustain that level of interest throughout the communication cycle?These few questioned need to be addressed  and efforts must be made to make each communication snippet as unique and distinct as possible. This aspect on the other hand need more intense observation of a consumer's behavior,his cultural conditioning and value orientations.   Observing him  in isolation  mightn't yield the desired  insights and hence his behavior should be observed in the matrix of his multiple interactions with people in various groups,circles and communities. These are the places where he unwinds and untwists his mind and an entry path to his mind is  discovered. This is a tricky operation as it has to be undertaken without giving any idea to the customer that his actions are being tracked.  So it depends on the innovative genius of the marketer how he carries out this exercise and how long he manages to keep the consumer in good humor. Consumer is getting intelligent and so must be the marketers to stay in tune with their enhanced understandings.  This will ensure balance and equilibrium in the communication management system.

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