Friday, July 15, 2011

Image as an asset

It is very often believed that an asset is something that is monetarily quantifiable and has some visible dimensions. Contrary to public perception, an asset can assume more wider connotation and can encompass intangible elements too. Defining asset mayn't be a critical task for many,but the nature of its constituents may be of varied view. Anything that adds value or is of some utility measurable or not can be classified as an asset. An asset gives its owner not only tangible benefits, but a sense of possession and pride. An asset apart from being a source of value can also multiply benefits in alignment with other achievements and accomplishments. This is here that the intangible character of an asset comes to recognition. This integrating and facilitating attribute of an asset brings under its fold variables like image which has an igniting effect on the process of value accretion. Image which is a product of a sustained goodwill is nurtured by consistent and willful attention to an organization's social and public activities.It is shaped by people's perception about an organizations empathy with the interests of the people and the orientations of its policies and actions to the collective welfare of the community. A good image works as a shield against negative propaganda and absorbs shocks administered to it by erratic swings of market forces. Even if at times when the competitors gain unfair advantage due to any superiority in process and product, corrosion of market share is checked if the organization manages to maintain a trustworthy image. The benefits accrued in this process to the organization by the interim skipping of scaling up to competitive standards and the resources saved in due course can be attributed to the value of the image and can be quantified to dispel doubt of the classical interpreters of asset.